
God is Boundless and Unlimited ...

Yet fallen man continues to try to put God in a box to fit man's limited image!

As we grow and learn more about God, we should see the Truth of how VAST God is and what a wonder that He would be mindful of any of us! We are less than 'no-see-ums' when compared to His creation! Yet, He Loves us and chose to die for each one of us rather than live Eternity without us! How humbling that knowledge is to me. I say as Job did when God spoke to him (Job 38) ... how can I reply? I place my hand over my mouth.

Job 40:4 
Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth.

4 x 4 x 5. . . Yet Boundless

Throughout each storm,
You are the calm.
To wounded hearts,
You are the balm.

You see one view.
Is your view, too!

Our Dimensions
Are four daily.
Your Dimensions--

Our struggle here
Isn't hard to see.
To comprehend
"How vast are Thee?"

We see darkly,
As through a glass.
Yet to know you,
One must but ask.
© 1996 Anita (Anna) Weld

Peace be unto you,