
Are You In The Valley of Decision?

The Lord has been impressing on my spirit that there are hard times coming to the USA. 

Where do you stand right at this moment in time? Some might say they are in a crisis of faith ... others are drawing into an even deeper relationship with Jesus.

Do you have faith? Is it precious to you or not? Do you believe and serve the Lord looking for what He can do for you? Do you serve the Lord out of pure love for Him? These are two entirely different groups. There is coming a separation. I am talking to the people who call themselves Christians. God knows your heart, nothing is hidden from Him. 

Hard to understand things are going to happen. Economic and / or Political upheavals will rock the boat. Difficult times are coming when each person will have to decide what is important to them. 

I highly recommend the video at the link below:

Perhaps things are already going wrong and you are confused ... watch this video prayerfully to help get a clearer idea of your circumstances.

Why God Allows Satanic Attack - 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 by JD Farag
