
39 questions ...

 God says thinking people should ask themselves!

The entire video has excellent information!
[Transcript is taken from 28-41:09 minutes]

39 questions God says thinking people should ask themselves...
Beginning at 29:00 minutes in - The greatest deception of the ages is happening right now.

1. Over $1B in various currencies was put on a pallet and landed in Iran awhile back. $150B was promised. Why would Iran be given the money? Who gave Iran the money?
2. Why would Obama tell Russia "I can do more after I'm elected again."
3. Who said they would 'be up for a 3rd term as President if they could sit in a basement or something and put an earpiece in someones' ear and to it through them."
4. Who is the only President to stay in Washington DC when he was no longer President?
5. What President bowed to a Saudi King?
6. Who is the only President to organize over 250 community organizing groups since 2010?
7. How does someone sit in a basement with a face covering, run for President of the US, that can draw maybe 250 people to a parking lot, defeat an incumbent so popular they could hold 5 rallies a day and draw 15-20,000 people per rally?
8. How does that happen?
9. Who was it that said the next President would face a pandemic? In 2014 Obama, 2015 Gates, and 2017 Fauci
10. How does the VP of United States threaten a company in Ukraine with withholding $1B Federal Dollars if they don't fire a certain person and it be on video?
11. How does a man with clear mental issues, and is the most unpopular politician we know, become President of the United States?
12. How are the ballot places closed down in the middle of counting then, in the middle of the night, get caught pulling hidden ones out from under a table and adding them to the tally?
13. How does that happen and nobody goes to jail?
14. Why did things like this only happen in the swing states?
15. Why was $85B in war machines and stacks and stacks of cash given to the Taliban?
16. Why would Vladimir Putin put his own nation at risk of being alienated by the rest of the world?
17. Why are the photos of people in the Ukraine carrying cardboard / wooden rifles? They say training with wooden rifles but why would these photos be released?
18. Why would someone as wicked and corrupt as George Soros stand beside Ukraine against Putin?
19. Why would a planned event (pandemic), lead to a jab (Vaxx), and forcing / bribing people to take the jab?
20. Why does Joe Biden speak from a fake White House?
21. Why does Biden use a poorly interactive green screen?
22. Why could getting rid of DJ, Benjamin, and turning the world against Putin have in common? Who could it benefit?
23. Why is the giant hadron collider in Switzerland built on the ancient temple of Apollo?
24. Why was a statue of the false Hindu god, Shiva, placed outside CERN? Why did Obama appear on the cover of Newsweek magazine as Shiva? Why is Shiva statue at the head of the table when China met with WHO? In light of all these questions: What do they know? Who knows it? There is no such thing as coincidence.
25. Why was Obama called the Messiah and the Anointed One?
26. Why did CERN hold a dramatization in front of high ranking political figures?
27. Why did they simulate a sex orgy and breaking through a wall and bringing out a goat-man from the other side of it?
28. Why would they do this? [While they have the god of Shiva - destruction - outside their door and the god of Shiva shows up at a WHO meeting with China about something else entirely that has nothing to do about health issues and yet this thing keeps showing up and Obama shows up as that god? 38:05 minutes in] and China is the one that perpetrates something (virus) that led to the jab (vaxx).

People need to ask themselves a question. Could I be seeing everything the way it's really happening or am I in a movie set bringing in real people to suffer to add the touch of reality.I want you to think about something; what's the biggest shows on TV now and have been for years? Reality programs!

29. Why did Hillary Clinton, when she was First Lady, call in two of the most powerful witches of the world to the White House?
30. Why did they hold a seance and why did Hillary channel the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt?
31. Why was there a human sacrifice performed by people in robes at the CERN facility?
32. Why was the temple of Baal destroyed by ISIS but the arch of the temple spared? All by a bunch of thugs in the back of Toyotas with machine guns? Why did that happen? They didn't have the technology to do that.
33. Why were truck drivers, I was talking to a truck driver I know very well during this time, he said they were hauling brand new Toyota pickups to the Southern Border (with Mexico) and ISIS was coming and picking them up and carrying them from the southern border to wherever they were going. Next thing the truckers knew, they'd look on TV and they'd be in those trucks driving down the streets.
34. Who ordered that?
35. Why was the Arch of Baal printed in 3D and showed up at the White House when Hillary Clinton was running for President?
36. Why was the Arch of Baal placed in the park across the street from the Judicial Building when Brett Kavanaugh was being confirmed?
37. Why did Boris Johnson dedicate an Arch of Baal in London?
38. Why did the President of Italy dedicate one as well?
39. Why was their plan to 3D print 1000 of them?
That is Question #39.

Thinking people  must begin to ask themselves these questions. If you find the thread that connects all these things, you will start to find your answer. And that is what the LORD said to read today. 41:09 minutes in.

