
GOD's 'Mic Drop' ...

"And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
Matthew 3:17
It’s the final time we hear the voice of the Father in Matthew!!! Mic Drop!

In today's culture, what does it mean to drop the mic? A mic drop is the gesture of intentionally dropping one's microphone at the end of a performance or speech to signal triumph. Figuratively, it is an expression of triumph for a successful event.

The Mic Drop Sermon Rewind by Talbot Davis 12/19/16
"And you know what he was declaring with that mic drop?  To all those wondering about baptism protocol, all those already wanting to use Jesus to make a point?  Even John himself?  This:  Jesus didn’t come so you could use him to make a point.  He is the point.  Yes.  God drops the mic so you’ll know Jesus is not a prop to further your agenda.  He is the agenda.  He is not an asset to your cause.  He is the cause.  He’s not an accessory to your life.  He is your life.  Yeah, people all over the world and through all kinds of times have used him to make a point of their own and each time God pulls us back to these remarkable, mic dropping words of Matthew 3.  No no no.  Jesus didn’t come so you could use him to make a point.  He is the point.  After all:  who else did the Father ever say this about?  No one."
And isn’t that interesting that in this mic dropping voice from heaven there is also the appearance of a dove?  Fragile.  Unthreatening.  Subtle.  I love the contrast, the polarities.  Anthemic voice.  Intimate dove.  Roaring.  Gliding.  Bold.  Loving.  Massive.  Microscopic.  That’s just like God.  That’s even why the Lord had an earlier mic drop moment when he entered the world in the form of a helpless, wiggling, screeching baby.  It’s all just like God.  Jesus didn’t come so you could use him to make a point.  He is the point.
During a sermon at church on Sunday, Holy Spirit impressed upon me to do a blog on 'Mic Drop.' I confess I had no idea what the message would be, where it would go, or even really what it meant. However, once he showed me the research, it became obvious that Holy Spirit was showing me two major points that are important here:
  • Jesus is THE POINT! Not a means to an end or an 'addition' to our life, He IS our life!
  • God is always RELEVANT! He is not outdated and His message is alive and timely!
I hope you follow up with the links provided in this blog for more information. As you do, may you see and hear what Holy Spirit speaks to your spirit. I pray that you surrender and draw even closer to God!

Peace be unto you,