
How can a person read the Bible ...

and still die as an unbeliever?

The following video is what Holy Spirit led me to watch that placed this blog post on my heart.

How can so many people read the Bible but still die unbelieving?  RZIM 2/5/2019
"If the Bible is really the revealed Word of God and has the power Christians claim it has, how can so many people read it, know it, and still die un-believing? Ravi Zacharias and Abdu Murray respond at an open forum at Yale University."

God, in wanting our love for Him to be our choice, freely given, gave each of us Free Will! He did not want robots. He was already worshiped by all of creation. He created man in their image for fellowship with Him. There are no magic words that someone could say that would make an unbeliever into a believer. That goes against God's Word and that will never be allowed for God's Word is truth! God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow! Isaiah 55:11 tells us that God's Word does not return to Him void but that it accomplishes what He sent it out to do.

The bottom line of unbelief is very simple. They don't want to believe! They have the pride of life, the lust of the eye, the want of material things this world offers. They refuse to see that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was for them ... because it would mean giving their life to God and dying to self as they walk the supernatural road of discipleship.

Nothing happens in this world unless God allows it. I accept that God's ways and thoughts are higher than mine. I trust He sees the big, panoramic, picture from the beginning. I do not have this perspective yet, but when I make Heaven my Home, I will have this knowledge and so much more. The book of my life was written before I was even born. I will ask to read that book, when I remember it. I imagine, when I meet Jesus, everything will pass away in the wonder of His love and sacrifice for me! A sinner saved by Grace!

Are you surrounded by fear? Scared and uncertain of what today, and every day beyond that, will bring with the corona virus, lock down, evil in government blatantly planning to force you to act against your will. The only answer to take away that fear is to give your heart to Jesus and God will protect you! You don't accept Jesus for what you can get ... you accept His precious gift because you finally have your eyes and ears opened to the truth of how much you are loved!

If you are being called by Holy Spirit to accept Jesus as your Savior, please pray the ABCs of Salvation: 

Confess to God that you are a sinner. Repent or turn away from your sin.

Trust that Jesus is God's Son and that God sent Jesus to save people from their sins.

Give your life to Jesus. Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior.

I hope you came to Jesus today!
