
A Word in Season

- Spiritual Warfare including visions
- Spiritual Eyes - seeing and sensing demons
- Dream Interpretation
- Heard God's voice
- Obeyed without question

Jesus Speaking to me:
I have given you gifts, I do not take them back. You choose not to operate in them or use them but they are still there. Turn all things over to me. Spend time with me. Love and adore me above everyone and everything. I love and adore you, my Bride. I rejoice over you. I long to spend time with you. You barely understand the depth of my love but I will show you if you ask to see and to hear. You cannot take it all in until you are immortal but I will show you - as much as you can take in.
Ask me now to see and hear those things I would show and teach you. Sit at my feet and listen - learn as you did before. Holy Spirit leads and teaches you. Always. Give us time: Father, Son and Holy Spirit so that we all may commune together heart-to-heart. Father is proud of you; He calls you Daughter and cherishes you every moment of the day. I call you Bride and love you so completely. Holy Spirit calls you His Precious Child. He loves your heart and humbleness. No, you don't see it, but He does.
Yes, you still have a ways to go ... but look how far you have come. Your faith has grown so much. Your trust in us is deep. Do not worry about anyone or anything. We hold you close: Watch over you. We have Angels all around you for protection and for battle. As you hear - Obey - give the orders to the Heavenly Host (that you hear from us) to direct them. We raised you to be a Warrior for the Kingdom. Though you are and will always be in training - put to use what you already know. Fight the Good Fight (1 Tim 6:12). Finish the Race set before you (2 Tim 4:7). Keep your eyes on us each moment (Psalm 16:8).
Your faith will hold you up as you walk on the waters coming to me. (Matt 14:29) Step from your comfort zone and enter into my presence, my Bride. I long to encourage you!

Isaiah 50:4 (KJV)
The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.

Peace be still,