
In His Perfect Time, God gives messages ...

that, when fit together, form the bigger picture! 
Ezekiel 33:3

This is from Lyne' Rogers Brown 8/12/16:
"Hey Friends, I feel that God wants me to share some things that He has been bombarding me with over the past few days. That sounds more negative than I mean it to, but He has been so consistent in what He is saying that I believe that I am supposed to share. Please read this message prayerfully. I only want you to hear what God is saying, nothing from me. There is both warning and good news. We are NOT to be afraid!! If you read it, please read it to the end.
I have woken up with the same chorus in my head for the past week:
In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
In the middle of the war, You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me, in the eye of the storm

I also have been given a multitude of other people's dream to interpret. God has just recently shown me that He has gifted me with the ability to interpret dreams...it used to be just dreams He gave me, but now He is speaking to me in other's dreams too. There are some very common threads that I want to share.
A storm of great proportions is coming...we are actually in the middle of it right now, but the winds are going to be blowing harder in the days ahead. The storm is here because God wants to wake up the church and use the remnant that is now awake to bring many to Himself.
We (His church) are going to have everything we need to make it through tough times ahead, but we are going to see some of this storm before He comes back to get us. He is coming back very soon and we must keep our eyes on Jesus. Do not be afraid when storms hit...we will not be here during the tribulation, but may wonder as we see the increasing winds of this storm.
We need to brace ourselves and be in prayer. I think something significant is going to happen this Fall. I do not know exactly what, but many are getting the same timing in warnings. Many that I respect as being faithful watchmen/women are getting consistent messages with increasing intensity.
Please hear this LOUD and CLEAR. Do not be afraid! We will have EVERYTHING we need if we keep our eyes on Jesus. In the eye of the storm, things are calm and peaceful. Our calm in the midst of the chaos will be what draws others to Christ. The only reason God is allowing the storm to hit while we are still here is to wake up His sleeping church and save many more before the tribulation. Put on your spiritual armor and get ready for battle, but have GREAT COURAGE! We are going home soon!!"
Ryan Stevenson - Eye of the Storm - (with lyrics) (2015)

Wake up! Be ready! Maranatha! Anna