
Pray for Revelation:

that Holy Spirit will show us our Spiritual Gift(s).

We should pray and study what God's Word says about His Gifts. Here Paul gives us a basic definition:
1 Corinthians 12:7 - we are each given at least one gift
1 Corinthians 12:11 - Holy Spirit gives the gifts as He wills
1 Corinthians 12:21-26 - Each gift is as important as another
Romans 12:6-8 - Gifts are for us to use to serve others - Ephesians 4:12
1 Peter 4:10 - we are commanded to use our gifts
Ephesians 4:13 - as we walk in our gifts, we grow in spiritual maturity

If you want a quick test (less than 5 minutes) to find out what gift(s) you have been given go here
When we are first saved, we are fed milk. Not being spiritually able to eat and digest solid food like meat. God expects us to grow spiritually during our life's journey. His Word shows us that we are to examine ourselves to be sure we are learning and growing more Christ-like each day. If we do not know what gift(s) we have been given, we cannot walk in the fullness that God has planned for us.

Here is a link if you want to know more and spend more time:
This website has the following resources:
Spiritual gifts assessment tools
-- Spiritual Gifts Survey (Discovery Tool)
-- Spiritual Gifts List (List of Gifts and Scripture References)
-- Where do you feel God leading you to serve Him? (Discovery Tool)

Once we know what our gifts are, we need to walk in them. The more we submit to Holy Spirit, the easier it is to walk in His Gifts. He teaches us and, as we mature, we are led into the ministries that God has already determined for us. If we do not take action but only learn our Gifts for head knowledge - without putting our heart and feet to the tasks - we will never truly grow into who God wants us to be. Don't sell yourself and God short!

Don't Forget: many times God uses other believers to affirm our gift to us. Let us all BLOOM where we are planted,