
World or Jesus - Count the Cost

God's wisdom, given to me when I asked for it, on 2/28/1996:

To look at circumstances means taking our eyes off of God. When we keep our eyes focused on Him, our problems seem to fade away, as of no consequence. It is easy to write these words but, apart from God's enabling presence, impossible to live them.

I am His child; freely chosen by my King to be a member of His Royal Family. He looked around and chose me, not for who or what I am, but because He delighted in me! Who am I to question the Lord's choice?! What an ungrateful child I would be to do so. All He asks of me is to love Him with all my heart, mind, soul and strength ... and to love my neighbor as myself. What a small request in return for all He has done in my behalf! 

Lord, help me to draw even closer to you. To determine to do your perfect will -- no matter how anything looks! I love, worship and adore you; Father, Son and Holy Spirit! In Jesus precious name, Amen!

In a few short months, the words written above will be 20 years old. Yet, it seems like yesterday when I sat at His feet and asked for His wisdom during another deep trial in my life. My brother, Danny, had passed away the month before and my personal life was a shambles. My heart was full of pain. Yet God has proven Himself faithful to me from before that day to this. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He will comfort me all the days of my life.

If you have a calling on your heart from the Lord, and you follow the world instead of what you know is God's perfect will for your life: You are committing to a life that will not satisfy you. If you follow God's will and walk His way, the world will hate you for His sake. If you are friends of the world, you do not know God. If you lay down your life and pick up your cross, you will be labeled a lunatic, poor and an outcast. They will say you are irresponsible, lazy and good for nothing. That is true ... in a way. You and the world's goals have nothing in common. To the world, you ARE good for nothing. God does not see us as the world sees us. He sees our hearts. He places the call upon our spirits of the plans He has for us in this 'dressing room' of life.

Count the cost of surrendering to Jesus and giving your heart and life to Him ... I promise you ... HE IS MORE THAN WORTH IT!!! 

Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin