
GRACE Is All Sufficient!!

Can you think of a time when you gave an answer that you later wished you hadn't? Or you spoke words whose meanings were misunderstood and you found you could not correct the misconception? I am sure we have all experienced this in our lives.

Today, I am sharing Jesus' teaching on asking Him to flavor my conversations. That I would speak to others with the words Jesus would have offered them.

Colossians 4:6 (NKJV)

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
I sincerely desire to show the lost, lonely and hurting of this world the Love and Grace that Jesus has for each of them. I ask Him to put His Love into my heart for each one. It is a delicate matter, the touching of a soul, that is not to be entered into willy-nilly. Hearing Jesus and walking in obedience to Him is paramount. Move when He tells you. Speak when and what He gives you to speak. Each soul is precious and must be handled with the love, care and wisdom that only Jesus can give to us each time. If you do not have a living and dynamic relationship with Jesus, you cannot be successful in showing His LOVE to others. You cannot share what you do not experience yourself. 
In addition, we must be very careful not to get puffed up with pride. We are all on the same rung of the ladder ... no soul is ahead of another. We must not think of ourselves more highly than any other ... because that is a lie. We are sinners saved by GRACE! Grace provided by Jesus! All that is good comes from Jesus' Grace. Jesus is our one and only source! Let us keep our focus on Him! 

Peace be unto each of you,