
Times Change but GOD Does NOT Change!

Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered!

I submit below 'facts' that I have seen / lived in my lifetime. I am not ancient ... but I am a member of the Baby Boomer Generation. Though the days have become even more evil, God has not changed. He remains the same yesterday, today and forever.
Malachi 3:6                         Hebrews 13:8-9   
14 Bible Verses about Immutability Of God

On my heart is a book that I was assigned to read in 8th grade English class.  I could not tell you what triggered this but today I purchased the kindle edition of 'The Cross and the Switchblade' by David Wilkersonfirst published in 1962. The only other book I can remember being assigned to read in Mrs. Underwood's English class that year was 'The Outsiders' by S.E. Hinton - first published in 1967. Movies have been made of both of these books ... but that is not what is unique or what has my heart feeling so heavy.
I was in 8th grade in 1968-1969. The Cross and the Switchblade is a TRUE story about a country preacher who went to New York to minister/witness to the youth there: drug addicts, prostitutes, the gang culture, whomever God brought across his path. Yes, back then school was allowed to assign reading that talked about God and witnessed to His saving grace through a humble preacher. I recommend you read it. It is as relevant today as it was when it was written, 54 years ago.
This information was given in January 2010. It has to do with 'banned books' and I believe you will be as shocked as I was. If you click on the podcast link below, there are reference links on that site to substantiate what is said there.

The days are pure evil BUT GOD is in control! Do not give in, give up, or give out! Stand Therefore ... with the Whole Armor of God put on everyday and pleading the Blood of Jesus over our sins and transgressions. As we are obedient to repent of each one shown to us!

Just a quick side note, in case anyone is curious, I have deleted my IM4TUN8 YouTube channel ... so don't look for me there. I am relying on Holy Spirit to promote these messages and have them available to any who need them, whenever they need them.

Peace be unto you,