
This World Is NOT Our Home ...

put on the whole armor of God, Ephesians 6, and stand therefore. 

There is no armor to protect our back. We are to always face the enemy.
Scriptures for warriors, click here.

Stand therefore! Scriptures to help us as we stand. Believing in God and the power of His Might. Many excellent Scripture References click here

Will you believe God and allow your Faith to grow through any adversity you find yourself? Quiet all voices but God's. There is not time for anything but walking with God and being bold in all things. Numbers 13 - Joshua and Caleb had faith in God and were the only two of that generation to see the promised land after the wilderness wanderings. Gideon's 300 were warriors chosen because they were always on the alert. Even while drinking - they kept their weapon in hand, stayed watchful, and drank from their hand as their gaze scanned around them. More intormation on Gideon's Army

The urgency to stay close to the Lord and finish our race grows every day! Of course, all of this is what God has put on my heart for you to know. Your walk is your own and what you do with the information - God knows and God will judge. Not me.

In His Service,