
Plain Speaking!

There will be no beating around the bush in this blog post! Time is too short. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. It doesn't matter if you have heard Jesus is coming your whole life and nothing has happened yet. The Point-of-No-Return is on the horizon for this world. Life as we know it is soon to be only a memory. You can feel it in the air. Evil is increasing at an alarming rate. There will be no more forestalling of the Rapture. Jesus IS coming for His Bride ... the time IS imminent.
Jesus is revealing Himself to those who spend time sitting at His feet, listening, learning and loving. He longs to have a relationship with you, as well. There are none of us, His Children, who are higher or of more value than any other. Our worth lies in the high cost Jesus paid for each of us. We are His Passion! We are His Heart. The Triune God truly loves us with an Everlasting Love!
So here are some important points for you to ponder:
  • The Syrian refugees are a Trojan Horse - our President is a deviously clever man - he is bringing the refugees into the USA on the emotion of compassion for what they have been through. All the while, KNOWING that terrorists are definitely in the mix. 
  • A Jewish teen was taken up to Heaven recently. Rabbi Rami Levy & 15 yr old Natan I encourage you to watch this video. During Natan's recounting of the experiences and knowledge he gained there, I came away with some interesting bits of knowledge:
  • In Heaven, Obama was identified by the name Gog. He is the leader of the army that is going to attack Israel. This war actually started on 9/11/2014, although we haven't seen the outward appearance of this fact as yet. Once the UN forces led by Gog (Obama) attack Israel; the IDF will last for only two days and then they will be defeated. God will not let Israel fall. Ezekial 38. He will defend Israel and punish the nations that have turned their backs on her. Yes, the USA is in league with the other nations and God will punish ALL the nations! Gog is defeated in Israel and his body will be buried there. Once the world becomes aware of it, the war will last two weeks.
Do not continue to say 'No!' to Jesus or to be lukewarm and complacent!
  • The Bridegroom IS coming for his Bride! 
  • Wake up church! Wake up and stay alert! You are comfortable and want your ears tickled. You do not want to miss the Marriage Supper of the Lamb because you were lazy and complacent. There are many who will be left behind because they did not take their relationship with Jesus seriously. Deuteronomy 4:29 'If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me.'
  • Come to Him, all you who are unsaved! He waits with open arms to bring you into His Family! He is not willing for any to go to Hell. That is definitely not what He wants for you! Please, choose Salvation! We cannot even begin to imagine the joys of Eternity in Heaven! I cannot fathom the depth of pain and suffering through all of Eternity in Hell, totally bereft of the presence of God.

I pray that your eyes and ears are opened and that you can discern the truth and not be deceived by the enemy of your soul.
